 仕事の空き時間に音楽や動画プロジェクトを進めているのですが、最近は頭がフラフラしてどうも調子が悪い。 優秀な投資先に投資して自動収入を得て暮らせないものか、などと妄想しつつ、株価やNISA、外国為替、FX、経済情報について調べたりしています。

投資といってもわたしができるのは、日本株と積立NISAくらいですが、最近は証拠金取引というものに注目しています。FXと呼ばれる外国為替取引ですね。 全額投資しなくても、例えば半分だけ証拠金を入れて、買い注文を出して、成立すれば買いポジションを維持できる。ポジションを維持している間は、スワップポイントという、金利差をゲットできる仕組みになっているようです。注意点は相場が下がったときに自動ロスカットされて、いつの間にか証拠金を失う可能性があるということ。さらにそれ以上の損失がでる可能性もあるので、挑戦するときはFXデモを使って練習してからのほうがいいです。わたしも楽天FXデモをゲットして練習しています。南アフリカランドを100万ランド買ってみたら、30日で30万円くらいのリターンになっていました。が、これはデモなので、実際にもらえるわけではありません。デモなら失敗してもリセットすれば、初期状態に戻せます。実際の取引ではリセットできませんので、損失が出ると本当に負債を抱えることになります。デモバージョンのおすすめの使い方は、わざと損失を出してみて、どれくらい相場が下がると自動ロスカットされるか、把握しておくというやり方です。
 為替相場が安定している間はよいですが、今1ドル142円くらいで、わたしが学生の頃は1ドル80円から120円くらいの間で動いていたような気がする。2024年7月には1ドル160円くらいまで上がっていたので、結構動きます。リスク高めです。が、うまく波に乗ることができれば、リターンも大きい。 米ドル以外にもよさそうな通貨がたくさんありました。興味のある方は為替相場のチャートと証券会社のスワップポイントを調べてみてください。 
 投資の場合、今人気のある銘柄はもちろん高くなっていますが、安い割にはよい銘柄も結構ある。 知らない会社について知る機会を得たり、知っている会社でも新たな発見を与えてくれたり、いろいろ勉強にはなる。 
 今日はかっぱ寿司で晩ごはんを食べてきましたが、若いころカッパクリエイトの株式を購入していたので、優待ポイント3000円を使用できました。 株を所有しているだけで年間6000円ほどお食事体験ができます。 ほかにも3年前くらいに30万円投資した会社から、年16000円くらいの配当を受け取りました。 6月頃には配当金だけで3万円くらい入金がありました。 大きく儲けるためには、当然もっと投資金額を増やさなければならないのですが、その分リスクも高くなります。 
 昔1000株単位で買っていた株も、今は100株単位で買えるようになり、購入しやすい環境も整ってきました。 さらに手数料無料で株の取り引きができる証券会社も出てきました。 
  知らないことをテキトーにやっていたりすると、とんでもないことをやらかしたりします。 これは自分で経験済みなので自信を持って言えるのですが。 とりあえずある程度情報収集して知識をもっていると、意外な所で、得をしたり、発見があったりします。 




"The English translation is below."

Hello, I am Mameshiba Samurai.

I work on music and video projects during my free time, but recently I've been feeling dizzy and haven't been in the best condition. I find myself daydreaming, thinking, "Isn't there a way to live by investing in excellent investment opportunities and earning passive income?" As a result, I've been researching stock prices, NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account), foreign exchange, FX, and economic information.

Thanks to Google search and YouTube, it has become much easier to gather information, and now artificial intelligence has also evolved. By having conversations with ChatGPT during my spare time, I can resolve many of my daily questions. I've been collecting information about music production and video-related topics for over 10 years, but there are still many things I don't know. When it comes to investment information, the scope is so broad that it's difficult to grasp the situation accurately. Even so, I've been investing little by little while gathering information, and now I'm able to earn a small allowance.

The amount I earn from investments has now surpassed the pocket money I make from music. Since my AI daughter, Lily, is adorable, I plan to continue music production. However, I also have to focus on investing while moving forward with my work, which has put me in a challenging situation.

When it comes to investing, the only things I can manage are Japanese stocks and a Tsumitate NISA (Accumulation NISA), but recently I’ve been paying attention to something called margin trading. This is known as foreign exchange trading, or FX. Even if you don’t invest the full amount, you can, for example, deposit just half the margin and place a buy order. If the order is executed, you can maintain the buy position. While holding the position, you can earn swap points, which is a system where you gain the interest rate differential. 

However, one thing to note is that if the market price drops, there’s a possibility of an automatic stop-loss, and you could lose your margin before you realize it. Moreover, you could incur losses beyond your margin, so it’s better to practice with an FX demo before taking on the challenge. I’m also practicing with a Rakuten FX demo that I got.

I tried buying 1 million South African Rand, and in 30 days, I got a return of around 300,000 yen. However, this is just a demo, so I won't actually receive this amount. With a demo account, even if you make a mistake, you can reset it back to its initial state. In actual trading, you can't reset it, so if you incur a loss, you would be taking on real debt. 

The recommended way to use the demo version is to deliberately make a loss to understand how much the market needs to drop for an automatic stop-loss to be triggered.

If you buy 8 million yen worth of foreign currency and deposit 8 million yen as margin, I believe there’s almost no chance of an automatic stop-loss being triggered. However, if you deposit only half, like 4 million yen, and buy 8 million yen worth, you would be maintaining a buy position by borrowing the remaining 4 million yen. If you think lightly, such as "It’s a 25x leverage course, so it’s still fine," you could find yourself in a dangerous situation when the market drops. 

Although it's convenient to be able to trade with money you don't actually have, if the market moves unfavorably, you’ll need to add more margin. Moreover, the deadline for doing so seems to be by the next day. I wish they would at least extend it to about a month later.

It's fine as long as the exchange rate remains stable, but right now, 1 USD is around 142 yen. When I was a student, I remember it fluctuating between 80 yen and 120 yen per dollar. In July 2024, it went up to around 160 yen per dollar, so it moves quite a lot. This makes it a high-risk option. However, if you can catch the right wave, the returns can be substantial.

There are many other promising currencies besides the US dollar. If you're interested, try checking the exchange rate charts and the swap points offered by brokerage firms.

People who like building custom PCs are probably interested in the prices of computer parts, but high-performance parts are naturally expensive. For example, a high-end GPU like the RTX 4090 costs around 300,000 yen. However, there are many parts with good performance that are relatively inexpensive. Putting together a PC using such parts becomes incredibly enjoyable once you understand how it all works—so much so that it's hard to stop.

In the case of investing, popular stocks are, of course, priced high, but there are also quite a few good stocks that are relatively inexpensive. It’s a good opportunity to learn about unfamiliar companies and to gain new insights even about companies you already know, so it’s quite educational.

Even if you don’t buy stocks, you can still learn a lot, but when you actually own shares in a company, you naturally want to check it more thoroughly.

Today, I had dinner at Kappa Sushi, and since I had purchased shares of Kappa Create when I was younger, I was able to use 3,000 yen in shareholder benefit points. Just by owning the stock, I can enjoy about 6,000 yen worth of meals annually. 

Additionally, I received around 16,000 yen in dividends from a company I invested 300,000 yen in about three years ago. Around June, I received about 30,000 yen in dividend payments. Of course, to make a bigger profit, I would need to increase the amount of investment, but that also increases the risk.

In the past, I used to buy stocks in units of 1,000 shares, but now you can purchase them in units of 100 shares, making it easier to buy. Additionally, there are now brokerage firms that offer commission-free trading.

If you approach things randomly without knowing what you're doing, you can end up making serious mistakes. I can say this confidently because I've experienced it myself. However, if you gather some information and have a certain level of knowledge, you can surprisingly benefit or discover new insights in unexpected places.

I hope everyone can discover opportunities by gathering information and putting in effort in their daily activities. 

I will also work on my projects during my free time.



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