Heavy Metal Song tetete-version まめしば侍のおもしろ作品集 Vocaloid3Lily[公式MV]

God's plan,your plan (Project45)

やっとヘビメタのプロジェクトが完成です!高音質試聴ファイルをアップロードしておきました。 YouTubeでは圧縮がかかり微妙に音圧がさがるようです。パッケージは未完成なので、出来次第アップロードします。共有動画はte-te-te versionですが、Full version 動画は限定公開でアップロードする予定です。



神の計画と陰謀に気がついたLily. そこには恐るべき真実が隠されていた。 メッセージを届けるべく、Lilyは歌詞に想いを託し 歌い続けるのだった。
Lily realizes God's plans and conspiracies. A terrible truth was hidden there. In order to deliver the message, Lily continued to sing with her thoughts in the lyrics.





歌詞(Lyrics)Google Translate

宇宙の舞台で輝く 広大無辺の計画
王冠を手にするのなら  その重さが剣の証 

栄光に酔うは 衰退の始まり 迫って 

諸行無常 途絶えた希望 

神の数式に 無謀にも挑もうと 真理を打ち立てる 

閉鎖系の信念が 開放型の挑戦を 描き続けるなら

それは君の強さ  その道を進もう

 隠れることはできない  すべては記録済み 

戸惑う君に 絹のベールをかける

Cruel Offender strikes again, leaving scars on innocent hearts. 

Stubborn defenders came again. they will not back down easy!

偽りの魅力は魔力  目的を見失なわぬように 


あのときはそう信じた 安易に 

常に変化するから 難解 

今は何を信じる? 新しい旋律 

兆しを軽んじるのなら 滅びる未来は近いと 

心して治めるがいい まっすぐな眼差しのまま 

パワフルマシンを操れ それは君の力になる

a master of manipulation 導きと嘘を見破れ 

混沌の世界を統べる 知恵をもつ者を探せ 

(English Lyrics)

In the darkness of abyss

Shining on the stage of the universe.
A vast plan.
If you want the crown
Its weight is the proof of a sword.

Intoxicated with glory is the beginning of decline. Imminent.
Impermanence, lost hope,
God's formula,
Establishing the truth to challenge recklessly

If your closed system beliefs continue to draw open challenges

it's your strength
let's go that way

you can't hide
All recorded.
I will put a silk veil on you who are confused.

Cruel Offender strikes again, leaving scars on innocent hearts.
Stubborn defenders came again. they will not back down easy!

you can't hide
All recorded.
I will put a silk veil on you who are confused

False charm is magical power
Don't lose sight of your purpose

Talk about the revolving cycle of reincarnation and the myth of the universe

I believed so at that time easily
It's difficult to understand because it's always changing.

what do you believe now? New melody

If the signs are taken lightly, the future of destruction is near.
You should rule the world with all your heart, with a straight gaze

Control a powerful machine, it will become your power
A master of manipulation, see through guidance and lies

Find the one who has the wisdom to rule the world of chaos



YouTube channel→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgs9GtOdqAXlO-pxa40GZuQ




Online shop→https://mamesamurai.base.ec/items/3085349 


Amazon Music→(Sa_la_sa_la_salad)http://bit.ly/3Wrs6og 




相互フォローLink: Gifs→https://twitter.com/turuturusougo Games(ff13)→https://twitter.com/patapatasougo 



Special thanks to everyone who made this channel possible!



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