空想タブレット Imaginary tablet まめしば侍のおもしろ作品集 Vocaloid3 Lily
もし願いが叶うなら 小さな家で君と過ごそう
最新型のオーブン ハート型クッキー作ろう
ずっと見つめ合えたなら 恋を描く準備をしよう
カラフルパレット ペンと魔法のタブレット ほら
線が形になってきたよ 空想から君の世界へ
別れの時は 何千年前か
涙のさよなら 告げる時間もなく
突然のベルで 目覚めたら別世界
何か足りない そんな感覚で毎日が過ぎていく
もうすぐ終わるから 帰りを待っててね
輪廻転生かなうなら 小さな君を町で育てたい
ブカブカの服着せて 抱っこしてあげるよ
怪獣おもちゃも買ってきたよ リモコン式で動き出すよ
特製ベット もこもこのタオルケット ほら
手触りもいい感じ ぐっすりよく眠れるから
空想だって 馬鹿にしないで
何千年の想いが 積もっていた
突然のベルで 目覚めたら別世界
実現のとき いよいよ始まる 新しい旅が
もうすぐ到着の 駅が見えるはず
もし二人が出会えたら 何も知らずに惹かれあいたい
運命の糸隠して 試してみよう
テーマパークに遊びに行くよ ゴーカートで競争だよ
ローラーコースター 次はあの観覧車 ほら
記憶の底の不思議さに 君も気づき始めたから
If my wish comes true, I'll spend time with you in a small house.
Bake heart-shaped cookies in the latest oven.
If we can stare at each other, let's get ready to draw love.
Colorful palette, pen and magic tablet, see,
The line has taken shape. From fantasy to your world.
The time of farewell was thousands of years ago.
I didn't have time to say goodbye to tears.
When I woke up with a sudden bell, I was in another world.
The motivated work was too busy.
Something is missing. Every day goes by like that.
It's almost over, so please wait for my return.
Is that the route of the starry sky?
If I reincarnate, I want to raise a young you in the town.
I'll put on a fluffy outfit and hug you.
I also bought a monster toy. It starts to move with the remote control.
Special bed, Mokomoko blanket, see,
It feels good to touch,You can sleep well.
Don't make a fool of my fantasies.
Thousands of years of thoughts have accumulated.
When I woke up with a sudden bell, I was in another world.
The motivated work is over.
When it is realized, a new journey will finally begin.
I should be able to see the station soon.
I'm looking for your dream.
If you and I can meet, I want to be attracted to each other without knowing anything.
Let's hide the thread of fate and try it.
We're going to a theme park. It's a go-kart competition.
Roller coaster, next is that Ferris wheel. See,
You also started to notice the mystery in your memory.
Native Instruments:
Session Guitarist Electric Vintage,FM8など
Sonar X1付属のループ,SI Bassなど
Vocaloid3 Lily
Online shop→https://mamesamurai.base.ec/items/61321448
Amazon Music→https://amzn.to/3LeOMTi
YouTube channel→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgs9GtOdqAXlO-pxa40GZuQ